Have you extended an invitation?

When Eddie and Patty Gill visited Maryland in July of 2017, I met them to escort them to their campsite.  We first had to stop so that he could gas up the Jesus bus. While gasing up at the Wawa in Frederick, MD, Eddie (UMMA) and myself struck up a conversation with Dwayne.  We ended up blessing his bike and praying with him right there by the gas pumps.  We then invited him to church Sunday and a ride after and guess who showed up?  He said he loved hanging out with us and said no one ever invited him to anything like this before.  YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP!  Please be bold and step out of your comfort zone. Share the love of Jesus with others. You never know whose life you may touch and make a difference in.

Duane has since been a regular attendee of Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church and is now a member of UMMA in Maryland.  He has participated in numerous rides representing UMMA and their mission for a Million Miles for Christ.  Praise God.


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