Why I joined the United Methodist Motorcycle Association
I felt moved to write this on behalf of the United Methodist Motorcycle Association (UMMA) and it’s founders, Eddie and Patty Gill, and their magnificent ministry. I was formerly a member of another prominent motorcycle ministry but became disenchanted because I felt something was missing. It seemed the focus was not on ministry. I eventually left that organization, on good terms I might add, and began to minister on my own with my motorcycle, talking to anyone I came across….mostly in parking lots. During that time, I became a certified lay minister in the United Methodist Church and the motorcycle ministry just felt like a very good fit between the two. I felt a strong call to reach out to those in the community or the unchurched and the motorcycle afforded me a tool to do that. I then came across the UMMA website and felt an immediate connection. Their mission is to “Take the church out of the 4 walls” and meet people where they are….taking the church t...
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