Reflecting on Philippians 3:12-21 As I struggle in my faith with who I am and the things I have done that I regret, I take comfort in reading about Paul. Paul tells us not to dwell on who we were or what we have done, but to strive to be who God calls us to be. We can’t improve on yesterday. We shouldn’t live in the past. We can seek to do our best today and tomorrow until God calls us home. As a believer in Christ Jesus, my Lord and Savior, I know that I am called to be a witness for Christ in part by setting a good example for those I am in contact with each and every day. I spent most of my young adult life wishing I had more, made more and could buy more. Envy was rampant in my thinking. I always wanted more. When I asked God back into my life, all those things were no longer important. When I realized that the God in whom I believed prom ised to provide me with all my needs, my life took a dramatic change for the better. God asks us to...